USB-1 : USB-to-serial interface kit



The USB-1 is a complete USB interface. It can be connected directly to a microcontroller, or you can add a MAX232 chip to create an interface at RS-232 voltage level and polarity.

USB-1 uses the FT232BM chip. The manufacturer of this chip supplies drivers that can be used to create a virtual communication port on your host PC, so you don't need to write any special software. Just use the port as you would use any normal serial port.

This kit uses two SMD ICs, one of which has 32 very small legs. This is definitely not a beginners kit.


The circuit is the standard FT232BM circuit, refer to the FT232BM datasheet for a discussion of the various aspects.

CON-3 is a two pin header that can be bridged by a jumper to provide the USB power to pin 1 of CON-2. This can be used to power a bus-powered device, but you will need an additional circuitry to switch the power to comply to the USB rules. Refer to the FT232BM datasheet and design notes for information. When the circuit that you want to attach has its own power it is best to leave out the jumper, or to leave pin 1 of CON-2 unconnected.

The PCB designed to accomodate an ML10 header as CON-2, but you can substitute any other standard connector, or directly connect wires. The kit contains the male ML10 header, and a strip of 10-wire colored ribbon cable, with a matching crimp-on female ML10 connector. Use it or as you see fit.

For the most simple use you need only three pins of CON-2: GND (2), RXD (10) and TXD (9). You might want to provide handshake back to your PC application by connecting RTS (7) to CTS (8), and DTR (5) to DSR (6). Note that these handshake connection points are conveniently located to be bridged by short pieces of wire.

The pinout of CON-3 matches the UART connections of port C of a Dwarf Board micrcontroller board with an 28-pin PICmicro.


I assume you know how to solder a PCB, otherwise this is definitely not a kit for you.

You will need a good soldering iron, a steady hand and most important: a good magnifying glass to check your work. A piece of thin solder and a piece of desoldering braid are supplied with the kit.

The most difficult component to solder is the FT232BM chip itself. There are basically two approaches to soldering an SMD chip like this: get it right the first time, or removing excess solder with desoldering braid. With my much-too-broad tip I can manage to get most of the pins right, using the braid for the one or two pins at each side that got too much solder. With a finer tip you might succeed to get all pins right.

When the tip of your iron is (too) big (like mine) the best tip I can give you is to use remove excess solder from the tip before using it, and to use as little solder as possible. This reduces the chance of making bridges. The kit contains some very thin solder, use it. It might seem to be a very short piece for the job, but you should not need more than half of it. Idem for the desoldering braid.

You can click on each of the pictures to get a larger picture.

The description assumes that you have the board oriented as shown, the two big holes for the USB connector to the left.
The first component to solder is the FT232BM chip itself. It must be oriented as shown on the picture, text readable, dot at the upper left corner. Place the chip exactly on its pads. You might want to use a drop of glue or some cellotape to hold it in place. Or put a littel solder on the first pad, and then put the leg on the hot solder. Solder one pin first, re-check the alignment of all pins, correct if necesarry. Solder the opposite pin, and check again. Once you solder more pins your chance of correcting a bad alignment is almost zero. Proceed with the other pins. Check your solder work with a magnifying glass, use the desolder braid to remove shorts. Be sure that the stuff you see between a leg and the pad is realy solder. Proceed to the next component only when you are realy sure that all connections are OK and without shorts. With the other components in place you will not be able to reach the FT232BM to make corrections.

If you have a version b1.03 board (check the version note on the solder side) a wire must be connected between pins 31 and 29 of the FT232BM (see errata).

The next component is the EEPROM. It is SMD like the FT232BM, but its legs are much bigger so after doing the FT232BM this one will be easy. Place the chip with the text readable, dot (pin one) at the lower left corner.
Place and solder the 6 MHz crystal Q1.
Place and solder the four 100 nF capacitors C1, C2, C3, C7. The marking on these capacitors is 104, which must be interpreted as 10 * 10^4 pF = 100 nF.
Place and solder the two 27 pF capacitors C4, C5.
Place and solder the 33 nF capacitor C6 (marked as 333). If it is a 2" type as shown on the picture you will have to straighten the legs first.
Place and solder the 3mm LED. The flat side (if the LED has one) must face away from you (be nearest to the FT232BM chip). The shorter wire (if the LED has wires of different length) must be nearest to you (short wire nearest to the FT232BM).
Place and solder the two 27 Ω resistors R1, R2 (red-purple-black). All resistors are mounted vertically.
Place and solder the 220 Ω resistor R3 (red-red-brown).
Place and solder the 470 Ω resistor R4 (yellow-purple-brown).
Place and solder the 1.5 kΩ resistor R5 (brown-green-red).
Place and solder the 2.2 kΩ resistor R6 (red-red-red).
Place and solder the 10 kΩ resistor R7 (brown-black-orange). The rightside picture is one step ahead, sorry.
Place and solder the pignose inductor L1.
Place and solder the 2-pin header CON3.
Place and solder the 22 uF capacitor C8.
Place and solder the 10-pin connector CON2, the slot hole in the connector faces inwards. Note: the picture shows PCB b1, where the slot hore faces outwards!
Place and solder the USB B connector CON3. It is a bit difficult to insert, get the four small pins aligned first, the press on the metal case above the bigger 'pins'. (Note PCB b1: USB pins must be patched)
Connect the 10-wire ribbon cable to the crimp-on header. The length of the wire points away from the slot grooves, the brown wire is at the triangular pin-1 marking. Make sure the cable and the connector are at a right angle to each other before you gently press the top part of the connector.
Fold the ribbon cable back over the top of the connector and secure it with the third part of the connector.


The electrical interface is specified in the table below, with the corresponding wire colors (assuming you assembled the cable and header conform the instructions). In the most common case you will use only pins 2 (ground), 9 (transmit to PC) and 10 (receive from PC).

header pin wire color FT232BM pin function
1 brown 3, 13, 26 + 5 Volt (connected only when the jumper is placed)
2 red 9, 17, 29 ground
3 orange 16 transmit enable, for instance for an RS-485 transmitter
4 yellow 15 power enable, for switching power provided by the USB to the device
5 green 21 DTR
6 blue 20 DSR
7 purple 23 RTS
8 gray 22 CTS
9 white 25 RXD receive data from device to USB
10 black 24 TXD transmit data from USB to device

For PCB version b1.04 (you can find the number on the solder side of the PCB) and lower the TXD and RXD lines were swapped, as shown in the table below. PCB b1.05 and higher can in most cases be connected directly to the appropriate a Dwarf Board bus.

header pin wire color FT232BM pin function
9 white 25 TXD transmit data from USB to device
10 black 24 RXD receive data from device to USB


The b1 version of the PCB has an error: the USB connector is connected 'backwards'. The picture below shows how this can be corrected by cutting 4 traces and reconnecting in the correct way. This version of the PCB was used for ty-outs, it has not been part of purchased kits.

The b1.02 and b1.03 versions of the PCB have an omission: pin 31 of the FT232BM (test) should be connected to ground (as shown in the circuit diagram), but on the PCB this pin is not connected. So use a small wire to make a connection between pin 31 and pin 29 (which is connected to ground).

The b1.04 PCB does not need any special handling, but the previous version of this page showed the wrong way to assemble the crimp connector, which resulted in a mirrored connection. The current page shows the correct way.

The b1.05 PCB does not need any special handling, but note that the RXD and TXD connections have been swapped with respect to version b1.04.


Copyright (c) 2005 Van Ooijen Technische Informatica / Wouter van Ooijen