This is an 8-bit microprocessor-compatible analog-to-digital (A/D) converter.
This chip is in a DIP housing. Suitable sockets are DIP-20-L-(5) (low-cost, flat pins).
DIP-ZIF28 is a ZIF socket that could be used with this chip.
Related products:IC-PCF8591-DIP | I2C 8-bit D/A and A/D converter | |
IC-MCP3550-60 | 22 bit ADC | |
IC-MCP3551-SOIC | 22 bit ADC | |
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IC-TDA8708-DIP | TDA8708 video analog interface (32 MHz 8-bit A/D converter) | |
IC-TLC549C-DIP | TLC549C 8-Bit, 40 kSPS ADC | |
MOD-ADS1115 | ADS1115 16-bit A/D converter module | |
MOD-TM7705 | TM7705 A/D converter module | |
MOD-HX711 | HX711 A/D converter module | |
MOD-PCF8591-01 | PCF8591 I2C 8-bit D/A and A/D converter module |