My name is Wouter van Ooijen. Van Ooijen Technische Informatica (Dutch for 'technical informatics') is my one-man company. May I introduce myself?

I am a software engineer, working in the technical (as opposed to administrative) side of informatics, with a strong affection for electronics. My work varies from very abstract (consultancy, architecture, design) to the lowly handwork (coding, testing, support). I have worked on industrial, space and military projects, but also on cheque processing and laboratory automation. Details of my professional career can be found in my CV.

I am for hire on a per-hour or fixed-price basis. At the moment I am available for 24 hours (3 days) a week.

In my webshop I sell Microchip PICmiro chips (microcontrollers) and related electronics. For the PICmiro controllers I provide some free resources, including a compiler.